Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sculldugery in San Salvador « Kevin Neish

The closer to election day the more tense things get.  At the last moment I have been asked to change the city I am observing at from San Salvador to a near by town of Villa Nueva.  It seems the CN party’s (formerly the PCN “death squad” party) mayoralty candidate is a former Guatemalan fellow who the FMLN believe is going to try to bus in loads of poor Guatemalan campasinos across the border with fake Salvadoran IDs to illegally vote in his riding.   So I’m suddenly heading out this afternoon to sleep in Villa Nueva so as to be ready at 4:30 am tomorrow for their poll opening.  An hour ago I got a second order to jump in the van with Terry Wolfwood and Bill Jube to rush over to the War Memorial park to inspect a mysterious bus.  There we found a bus with dark windows and paper taped over it’s licence plates.  Appearing to be the most harmless amongst us, Terry hopped out and peeled the paper off the rear plate and I took photos of the plate and bus.  We then cruised through the park until we found a group of a few dozen men with backpacks lounging around together, who we dutyfully photographed and checked out until they reciprocated by their getting up and writing down out plate number, at which time our driver said it was getting a little dangerous and was time to leave. 

I have to pack to head out to Villa Nueva so this will be all until I return to San Salvador for the victory party early on Monday morning.

For the record, below is a photo of the mysterious bus’ uncovered plate and below that are some of the mysterious fellows lounging in the park.  Bye for now.




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