Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fashion Plate: New Year, New Rear

We brought in the new year with friends.

First going to a great movie (Mission Impossible - sooooo good!) then heading back to our house to have steak, yams for the girls, potatoes for the boys, salad, wine, and assorted snacks.

It started snowing around 11:00 and since we haven't seen hardly any this year (so weird) we all ran like little kids (well, Pup and his friend Doug did anyway) to look at it.

It was sticking to all the bare trees and grasses and seriously turning our little neighborhood in the hood into a beautiful paradise.

That's why we live here. When just something as simple as an one inch snowfall can turn brown and dumpy into white and glittery - well, it's enchanting.

Cut to this morning.

I wish I was a get-it-all-cleaned-up-before-I-go-to-bed girl. I always want to be. Truth is, when the fun evening is over, I want to get to bed with my Pup and snuggle in the big huge bed.

But then you wake up to this.

So . . . right now Pup is whining that I better hurry and get my arse ready cuz he wants some breakfast at Denny's (can you believe?) because he knows there will be no breakfast-making in this kitchen right now.

Yes sweetie, right after I wake up.


Whether you resolution or not, whether you celebrated big or small, have the best first day of the new year. It's all good my hooches.



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