Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sight Gate ? / LensAlign / Discussion Area - Michael Tapes Design ...

  • your video refers to moving a sight gate down when aligning unit and then up when actually calibrating lens . I can't find a sight gate with this unit? I read somewhere that the gate prevents you from accidentally focusing on the back place - is this true?

it was needed for the Pro version but not for the MKII version. We made the front hole smaller so that the camera cannot focus through the hole.

  • when you are aligning unit, are you looking for the back whole to be close to center in the bulls eye?

yes. The rear hole should be center within the front hole. It is easier to see if there is some light on the rear plate, you stop down to about f8, and you rack the focus to switch between the front and rear plates. Don't forget to re-open the aperture before testing. This soon to be released video should help.

  • your distance calculator provides a minimum and max distance. Is it ok to use either? Also, exactly where is the distance measured from - the front of the camera body, the back or the lens?

as long as great that the minimum you are OK. Canon wants 50x focal length (that is our max setting and requires the long ruler) but we do not think it necessary. Measurement is not critical. Just establish a procedure so that re-tests are the same distance. I measure from the center post of one tripod to the other. A few inches off has no effect.


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