Don't forget to send in your Entry form, (even if you aren't tracking, but we need a headcount for dinners, lunches and if you're ordering T-shirts) So Entry forms are important. PDF them or Fax.
Entry Form Link
Tech Inspection Form Link
Current Itinerary:
TAG STATE MEET Friday February 24<sup>th</sup> itinerary.
6:00pm: Faust Hotel Parking. Check in meet and greet
8:00pm: Dinner at the Faust Hotel and Brewery Restaurant
TAG STATE MEET Saturday February 25<sup>th</sup> itinerary.
9:00: Faust Hotel Parking lot�Shine n Show!
-Winner gets a ride in James Rally car on the track!
-Auto Scope T-shirt.
11:00: Drive to Dick�s classic Car Museum up I 35.
11:30- 3:00: Dick�s Classic Car museum entry fee sponsored by Auto Scope.
- Lunch provided by Cavender Audi in San Antonio
- Presentations during lunch by Cavender Audi, and several guest members.
3:00: Drive from San Marco�s back to the Faust via 12 and River Rd route to be provided.
7:00: Short WALK to Friesenhaus resteaurant.
TAG STATE MEET Sunday February 2<sup>6th</sup> itinerary.
8:00: Drive to Harris Hill Road Course Yarrington Road exit off I35.
9:00- 1:00: Drive around the Racetrack in controlled predetermined groups.
For the track, at the moment we have a nice empty track for ourselves...Send in the entry form even if you're instructing.. This is going to fill up fast.
James Bufkin +1 - 83' Rallycar driving
Shawn Olsen +3 - 95' UrS6 driving
Emile Toups - '11 R8GT driving
Ashley Olivier - '09 R8 driving
Tod Phillips +1 - '08 A6 S-line
Craig Balter '12 TTRS driving
Aaron Horsley '07 A4
Van Sederburg '12 A5 driving
Karriem Washington +1 '08 RS4
Chris Klinefelter '11 S4 driving
Steve Fordham+1 '07 RS4 driving
Lily Fordham '07 RS4 driving
Sydney Jim '10 S4 driving
Ben Watts '08 RS4 driving
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