Friday, April 20, 2012

. . . It's Always Something . . .: Huge Rant - Local Police (Obscenities ...

I am sooooo freakin' pissed right now, seriously, my hands are shaking and I have tears of frustration.  Ok, I come from a small town that is well known as a speed trap.  People far and wide bitch about the local police force nailing them for speeding coming into or leaving town.  I've always kinda laughed it off, thinking 'Well, if you know about it, why would you speed there?'

I'm done defending the Rosendale police now.

My son has repeatedly been pulled over for the stupidest shit.  He is 20 years old and he had (until two weeks ago) been driving a maroon Dodge Stratus with a spoiler on the back.  He also works second shift and is normally coming home about 2:30am.  Young guy, kinda hot car, driving near bartime . . . ok, maybe we can see how they keep an eye on some situations.  But when he is pulled over for crap like a light for the rear plate being our, or to check registration for the car, or whatever else it has been . . . what the hell, guys?

And now today, just minutes ago in fact, he was pulled over AGAIN, right in front of my eyes.  This morning we had taken that car in to get the brakes fixed.  So now we had just gone back to town and picked up the car, and were on our way back home, coming out of Rosendale.  The high school sits right at the edge of town and the cop likes to sit there, waiting for prey.  So we're coming down the street, in a line of traffic no less, and a van has stopped, waiting to turn off to go into the school.  The rest of the cars in the line go around him and continue on their way.  The cop is sitting on the opposite side of the road and as soon as we go by the lights come on and he's turning around.

I pull over.  Ty pulls over.  The cop goes right for him.  I literally yelled in my car, "WHAT THE FUCK?!?!"  I continued on and waited for Ty to eventually get home.  No one in that line of cars was doing anything wrong.  We were all under the speed limit because we'd had to slow to go around.  If he had done anything wrong, then I and the other cars had too.  W.T.F?!

When he got home he was, rightfully, raging mad.  He got a $10 ticket for not wearing his seat belt.  WHAT?!  Ok, a $10 seat belt ticket is minor.  Except, he had it on.  He pointed that out to the cop and the cop said "I didn't see it on when you came through earlier."


Let's see.  When we came through earlier?  The first time would have been about four hours earlier and the cop was not out at that time.  When we came back home from that trip, the cop was not out.  When we went through again to go pick up the car, the cop was indeed out . . . but he was busy with another car he had pulled over.  Also, on the way home, where this incident occurred, that turning van blocked the view of the cars from the cop until they were pretty much even or passed his stalking position.  And, Ty was not driving that car "earlier" except for the time when the cop was. not. there.

So after running the plates and license, the cop comes back and explains to Ty that "earlier" he had seen the full red of his shirt and there was not seat belt across it.  Ty is indeed wearing a red t-shirt, but he has a black hooded sweatshirt zipped over it.  This cop is implying that Ty zipped his jacket AND quick his seat belt on in those seconds of being pulled over?  What a fucking prick.  Ty insisted he had it on, he always has it on, that it's the first thing he does when he gets in any car.  I know for a fact he had it on too.

Ty was never pulled over in the car he had before this.  He has not been bothered since getting his new car.  But the one day he has to drive the Stratus again he is harassed yet again?

Seriously, dumbasses???  What are you doing all those many times when I see people flying out of town creeping up on 55mph already in that sacred 30mph zone?  Are maroon Dodge Stratus's really a threat to national security?

Stupid. Fucking.  Morons.

(Apologies for the language but, damnit, I am pissed.)


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