If you are an information junky.
Lists web portals for agencies and information that shouldn't have webportals.
I know if I was in Washington DC with the US Park Police, NPS, US Capitol Police, Metro DCPD I'd have this:Mobile Member Guide to the Current Congress. That way I'd know exactly who was hassling me about their failure to yield citation, which would morph into a cracked windshield cite, and add a obscured/dirty rear plate...Press hard, 3 copies.
Lists web portals for agencies and information that shouldn't have webportals.
I know if I was in Washington DC with the US Park Police, NPS, US Capitol Police, Metro DCPD I'd have this:Mobile Member Guide to the Current Congress. That way I'd know exactly who was hassling me about their failure to yield citation, which would morph into a cracked windshield cite, and add a obscured/dirty rear plate...Press hard, 3 copies.
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